Ward 11
Ward 11 is a medical oncology ward, caring for patients with various cancer diagnoses. The ward has 23 beds, made up of: 3 x Single bedded rooms, 2×2 bedded rooms and 4×4 bedded rooms. The Ward is mixed sex. If you have to share a room, you will share with someone of your own gender. Beds are allocated as per patient requirement. We encourage relatives to be actively involved in their loved one’s care. Morning times are the usually the busiest period, so we ask that the afternoons are used for communication, where possible, with the nurse and medical teams.
Visiting Hours
Visiting hours are between 13:00- 17:00 and 18:00-20:00.
Two visitors per bedspace at any time and we recommend that Masks continue to be worn whilst in the ward. Meal times between 1700-1800 are protected.
(We fully appreciate that sometimes there may be a need to visit at different times, if this is the case, please discuss with nurse in charge that day)